Tuesday, May 5, 2020

I.T Evaluating Business Documents free essay sample

Evaluating Business Documents House Style Document 1 :Weston Pool Good points The text inside the leaflet is consistent as each bullet point has the same font size and font color throughout the whole leaflet. This is good because it makes the leaflet look more professional and it is easier to read. This is a good thing because it is easier to navigate across each page and also if someone has bad eye sight it will be easier for them to read. Also it is easier on the eye to look at. Bad Points The Information that is included in the timetable is inconsistent because the font size has been reduced and this will be hard to read especially for old people and people with poor eye sight. The pictures are inconsistent and are different sizes, this makes the leaflet look UN-professional. Document 2:Veiling Health club The text is consistent and always the same font and also the boxes are consistent as it is the same size throughout the leaflet. We will write a custom essay sample on I.T Evaluating Business Documents or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This would make it more professional and easier to read especially for someone with bad eye sight or the elderly. Also the leaflet includes similar colors throughout and this makes it look more professional and also easier to read. Bad Points The background of the leaflet is really plain and this is not very attractive to look at. The text is quite a light color so this makes it hard to read especially for the elderly. Document 3: Hogwash Health club The text is consistent thorough out the leaflet and the font is always the same, this makes it easier to read and makes the leaflet look more professional. The pictures are Lourdes and interesting to look at, this makes it stand out and more interesting to read. Bad Points The Pictures are inconsistent as they are all different sizes and this would make it hard to read. Also the leaflet is quite dull as the background is either white or grey and not many people would want to read it, it needs to be more colorful to make it more interesting to read. Document 4: Weston pool website It is colorful and very interesting to look at, this is good as it will catch your eye and make to want to explore the website. The text is consistent and this make it easier to read and makes it look more professional. The website also has an animation which will make it more interesting. Bad Points The pictures are inconsistent as they are different sizes. The description of each activity is too vague, this needs to be more detailed so people know more about the activity and whether they want to do it or not. They also may not Join as they do not know enough about the activity. Document 5:Virgin active health clubs The website is really colorful and is interesting to look at and, this will catch your ye and make you want to explore the website. It also shows many pictures of the different clubs which will also make the website look more intriguing. The text is consistent and this makes the website more professional. Bad Points The Pictures are inconsistent as they are all different sizes. Some of the text is too dull as it is in grey and needs to be more colorful, Also for some people such as the elderly would find it hard to read it. Document 6: Hogwash health club The pictures are consistent as it is only one big image that changes every 5 seconds ND this makes it very interesting to look at and makes you want look further into the website. The website is also quite colorful and this would make it more attractive to look at. The text is consistent and this makes the website look more professional and easier to read. Bad Points The text in most sections of the website is quite vague and hard to see as it is a similar color to the background, this needs to be changed so it is more readable. The elderly or people with bad eye sight will not be able to read what the text is saying. Comparison

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